...breaking barriers, building bridges

There are Preventing Violent Extremism - Education,(PVE-E) Programs that are funded by GCERF. GCERF provides grants to community level initiatives on PCVE that are led and implemented by local partners.

There are Preventing Violent Extremism - Education,(PVE-E) Programs that are funded by GCERF. GCERF provides grants to community level initiatives on PCVE that are led and implemented by local partners.

Countries that have partnered with GCERF on the implementation of programs that are PVE-E are Bangladesh, Nigeria, Mali, Kosovo, and Kenya.

All these grants had an education component within their programs following the modalities presented by UNESCO (2017).

The interventions were mainly on nonformal education and to some extent, teacher training and support on whole school-based approaches and intersectoral partnerships and community approaches.

These interventions were made to the following countries with the PVE-E programs:

  • Bangladesh(2017-2019) in the West and Southeast Bangladesh and Dhaka.
  • Mali(2017-2019), across the whole country, especially in the central part of Mali.
  • Nigeria (2017- till now), North Central Nigerian states.
  • Kosofo(201- till now) across the country, including the capital ,Pristina.
  • Kenya(2018 - till now) in Nairobi and the northeast and east of Kenya.

The Highlight of the programs:

The intervention  highlighted the comprehensive PVE - COMMUNITY - LEVEL APPROACH of  Nigeria and Kenya while Mali had a similar approach but with a difference on the focus. Mali is more focus on vocational training and Qur’anic schools.
Both Bangladesh and Kosovo on the other hands, focus entirely formal education. Bangladesh intervention PVE - E project focuses on university students and high school students for the Kosovo’s.